(3 marks) Let us use the following symbol to represent your answer to Q3c) (this symbol takes in d) two 3-bit numbers A and B and returns the larger of the two numbers) max(A,B) Out Suppose you now wish to create a circuit to find the maximum of 4 3-bit inputs A, B, C and D.

Try to use as few components as possible. You may use the symbol above, as well as multiplexers and any Boolean logic gates. You may use the following entity declaration and the component from part Q3a) (7 marks): entity greater_than_3bit is X, Y Out end greater_than_3bit port in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) out std_logic) Let us use the following symbol to represent your answer to Q3a) c) A Out Draw a schematic to find the maximum of two 3-bit numbers A and B.
#Error 0 vhdl logicworks code
(5 marks) b) Write VHDL code that represents your schematic from Q3a). Your design should consist of 3 instances of the entity above. It should return a 1 if A>B otherwise it should return a zero. It has the following symbol and entity declaration 1 X Y C entity greater than is X, Y Out in std logic out std_logic) port Out end greater_than Draw a schematic that compares two 3-bit numbers A and B. You can assume the inputs X, Y and C and the output Out are each 1- bit wires. QUESTION 3 Datapaths (25 Marks) You are provided with a logic circuit that performs the following: if C 1 or X>Y, Out a) otherwise Out-0.